Soundscapes of an Earthly Community
Soundscapes of an Earthly Community is a research-creation project, which investigates the cohabitation of humans, nature, and technology rooted in their in-common sonic character utilizing the latest advancements in generative AI sound.
Images © Agustina Isidori
Towards an Earthly Community
The inherent entanglement of technological advancements and ecological devastation is at the heart of the current existential crisis humanity is facing. Technology destroys the very ecology it is constituted of, while at the same time techno-solutionism is propagated as the cure for this self-generated crisis. To address this most fundamental of issues African philosopher Achille Mbembe calls for reenvisioning our more-than-human relations as an Earthly Community, which views humans and non-humans including nature and technology as co-inhabitants bound not by universality but by what they have in-common.
How can we renew our relationship then to the very biological and geological land we are made of, if more than 75% of the world's population lives in big cities? How can we welcome technology amidst us in cohabitation if it is raised towards a god-like status of techno-solutionism? Most importantly, how do we bridge between biological, geological, technological, and human life, when centuries of scientific knowledge making in the West tried to neatly separate nature and culture? The multichannel sound installation titled Soundscapes of Earthly Community envisions the cohabitation of humans, nature, and technology rooted in their in-common sonic character utilizing the latest advancements in AI-generated audio.
Artificial Soundscape Ecologies
This project is inspired by Bernie Krause’s soundscape ecological approach, which sees sonic environments as equally constituted by biological sounds, such as plants (biophony), geophysical sounds, such as wind (geophony), technological sounds, such as machines, (technophony) and human-made sounds (anthrophony). These categories are not fixed but rather intersecting and relational. While some sounds might be distinctively human, others might only emerge when different spheres meet. For instance, the sound of the geophonic wind emerges when it brushes the leaves of the biological tree. It is these intersections then, where we intend to find the in-common that does not deny the uniqueness of its parts.
The project employs the Realtime Audio Variational autoEncoder (RAVE) AI model developed at IRCAM by Antoine Caillon and Philippe Esling. To be presented as a surround sound installation each speaker is fed by a distinct, generative RAVE model trained either on biophonic, geophonic, or anthrophonic sounds mediated by the technopohnic sounds of AI to jointly represent the speculative soundscape of an Earthly Community. The installation is interactive, as a series of microphones pick up any sound in the space including that of the AI-driven speakers and the audience and feed these as inputs into the RAVE model, thus creating interactive feedback loops.
September 25-29, 2023 — Installation
Milieux Expo ‘23: The Commons
4th Space, Concordia University
Montréal, CA
June 23-24, 2023 — Installation
Carnival of Algorithmic Culture
UKAI Projects / bodyshop studios
Toronto, CA