feral.ai @ UKAI’s Carnival of Shipwreck
feral.ai is a research-creation project that imagines Black Machine Agencies turned feral. As an agent of Black techné—a tradition of radical Black aesthetics and freedom that disrupts binary categories—feral.ai embodies B. Coleman’s (2021) appeal for an AI “that can be free—if not to imagine, then to generate—speeding through possibilities, junctures that are idiotic until they are not.”
Inspired by Marronage in North America and the Caribbean—the French etymology of the word “maroon” carries a general sense of being abandoned without resources—feral.ai responds to the Carnival’s theme of Shipwreck, exploring what might happen when there is no savior, no rescue, only—Shipwreck.

Wilding AI Lab @ MUTEK.MX 2024
The Wilding AI Lab makes a stop at the 20th anniversary of MUTEK Mexico. The lab is designed as a public experiment for artists, scientists, technicians, theorists and students to demonstrate, test, and experiment with the latest AI systems bridging large-language models, generative AI sound and spatialized audio. Throughout the two days the lab featured a series of inspirational talks, skill-sharing workshops and hands-on experimentation by artists and researchers including Beth Coleman, Maurice Jones, Alexandre Saunier, Sahar Homami, Debashis Sinha, and Daniela Huerta (baby vulture).

Iwakura @ MUTEK.AR 2024
Iwakura will be presented at the Planetario Galileo Galilei as part of the 6th Edition of MUTEK Argentina taking place October 2-5 in Buenos Aires.

Future Festivals: Cultivating Temporary Utopias @ MUTEK Forum 2024
In closing the 10th anniversary of MUTEK Forum, we invite all festival stakeholders – organizers, artists and audiences – to collectively chart trajectories for future festivals. Returning to the forward-looking interventions of the Future Festivals Summit, Cultivating Temporary Utopias presents an urgent call to action to sustain festivals and their extraordinary ability to bring speculative, alternative and fantastic futures into the present.

Wilding AI Lab @ MUTEK Forum 2024
Building on the discussions sparked by the Into the Wild : AI’s in Retrograde panel, The Wilding AI Lab continues the conversation in a day-long experiment for artists, researchers, students and audiences to make AI wild again. Inspired by the glitch-ridden early days of generative AI, which fostered a unique time of artistic exploration half a decade ago, the lab resists reduction and futile attempts to ‘tame’ AI. As the Studio Hydro Quebec will be transformed into a living test environment, participants are invited to jointly explore imaginary and material alternatives to the energy-, resource-, and data-hungry AI paradigms driven by big tech corporations. In collaboration with Concordia University’s Milieux Institute and the Applied AI Institute, the lab aims to co-explore ways AI gone wild might manifest.

Iwakura @ Hyper Nature by PRECTXE
A 16:9 flat screen adaptation of Iwakura is part of the group exhibition Hyper Nature presented by PRECTXE in the South Korean City of Pohang.
Hyper Nature is an exhibition that illuminates the areas where nature and technology meet and intersect, awakening inspiration for the intimate interactions and entangled relationships between nature, technology, and art. The exhibition engages the viewer's senses, emotions, and intellect, transporting them into a world of innovation and creation shaped by the achievements of digital media art in the endless unfolding and folding transformations of nature.

Future Festivals Summit 2024
Kicking-off the festivities of MUTEK’s 25th anniversary on Monday, August 19th, the Future Festivals Summit gathers\ed more than 100 local and international festival stakeholders – organizers, artists and audiences – in Montréal, Québec to explore innovative visions for the shaping of multidisciplinary arts and music festivals. The Summit presented the culmination of a years-worth of innovation around future-proofing festival-making practices by the Future Festivals think tank, a consortium of festivals from Québec and the rest of Canada, Mexico and Germany.

Iwakura @ Melbourne International Film Festival
Iwakura will be presented at the Melbourne Planetarium as part of the Melbourne International Film Festival, Fulldome Showcases.

From Soundscape Ecology to Sonic Assemblage @ EASST-4S
I will present my research-creation work around soundscape ecologies and sonic assemblages as part of the EASST-4S panel titled Why/why not? Creative making, doing, and the (non)generation of knowledge: models, frictions, cases hosted by Chris Salter, Philippe Sormani, and Alice Jarry.

Black Optics @ Calling the Conjurers
This ROUNDTABLE + MEDIA SHOWCASE dives into the vibrant tapestry of Black visual cultures and fugitive, maternal, and other situated lenses and modes for survival. Featuring media studies scholars, culture workers, photographers, filmmakers, will unravel the rich narratives shaping Black life and artistic expression to explore the profound impact of visual storytelling on culture and society, and the joys and challenges that come with visual technologies with special attention to the Black gaze.

Iwakura & Metaract @ Society for Arts and Technology
Iwakura returns to Montreal’s Society for Arts and Technology for a week-long double bill with Metaract by Manami Sakamoto and Yuri Urano.

From Soundscape Ecology to Sonic Assemblage: Imagining an Earthly Community @ Aesthetics of Geopower
The performative presentation dives deeper into my research-creation work around soundscape ecologies , sonic assemblages and the environmental impacts of generative AI. It aims to contextualize the on-going project Soundscapes of an Earthly Community and prepare findings for an academic audience.

From Soundscape Ecology to Sonic Assemblage: Imagining an Earthly Community
In this sonic presentation, Maurice dives deeper into his research-creation work around soundscape ecologies, sonic assemblages and the environmental impacts of generative AI, namely the ever-evolving Soundscapes of an Earthly Community.

Redesigning Public Participation in the Age of Generative AI @ Shifting AI Controversies Conference
The presentation explores the role of public participation in AI governance in liberal democracies, focusing on case studies in Canada and Germany. It reveals that current participatory methods increasingly mirror the logics of machine learning they aim to oversee, limiting democratic debate and turning participation into state-led knowledge extraction.
To address this, we conducted a series of futuring workshops in Canada, employing strategic foresight methods and large-language models. The presentation emphasizes a need to rethink data publics as relational, discursive, and deeply embedded in sociotechnical contexts to foster discursive and technical recursivity in the face of AI's social impact.

Iwakura @ transmediale Vorspiel
The Stiftung Planetarium Berlin together with the transmediale Vorspiel, MUTEK festivals in Montreal and Tokyo and the Society for Arts and Technology invite for a profound journey to rediscover the sublimeness of nature through the immersive, digital arts.
Iwakura, created by Kazuya Nagaya, Ali M. Demirel and Maurice Jones, explores the materiality of nature through sacred Shintoist rock formations. Metaract by Manami Sakamoto and Yuri Urano aestheticizes the “cycles of time”, which present the grounds for the relations with our natural environments.

Lee Smolin: Temporal Realism @ Reality Was Whatever Happened Symposium
In conversation with Lee Smilon on his contribution on Temporal Realism to Beth Coleman’s REALITY WAS WHATEVER HAPPENED: OCTAVIA BUTLER AI AND OTHER POSSIBLE WORLDS exhibition opening and micro symposium.

Soundscapes of an Earthly Community (Talk) @ UKAI's Poetics of Synthetic Language
UKAI Projects invited me to give a guest lecture as part of its residency program Poetics of Synthetic Language on my research-creation work Soundscapes of an Earthly Community talking about conceptual approaches to sonic agents and assemblages and thematically on the question of critical mineral mining.

How Technology Creates More Energy and Future Possibilities for Festivals @ TTXC 2023
Talking on this panel investigating the role of technology in future festivals together with Martin Honzik (Ars Electronica), Jay Kim (BIFAN), Kun-Ying LIN (Luxury Logico), and moderated by Ya-ling HUANG (YunTech) as part of the Taiwan Technology x Culture Expo (TTXC) 2023 in Kaohsiung.

Iwakura @ Fulldome UK 2023
Iwakura is part of the official selection of the Fulldome UK Festival 2023 taking place at CultVR Lab in Cardiff.

Iwakura — LATAM Premiere @ MUTEK.MX 2023
The Iwakura LATAM premiere is set to take place at the 19th Edition of MUTEK Mexico for 4 nights Domo Digital Papalote Museo del Niño.

Soundscapes of an Earthly Community @ Milieux Expo '23: The Commons
Soundscapes of an Earthly Community will be presented as part of Milieux’s annual Members exhibition, which features the diverse community of students and faculty members and their research and research-creation works through the thematic lens of “The Commons”.

Iwakura — North American Premiere @ MUTEK 2023
The full-dome at the Society for Arts and Technology will host the North American Premiere of Iwakura as part of the 24th edition of MUTEK.

Q&A: Open Reel Ensemble @ MUTEK Forum 2023
Open Reel Ensemble closes the opening day of the Forum with a performative Q&A on reels. Two-time laureate of the Japan Media Arts Festival, Open Reel Ensemble, founded in 2009 and whose current members include Haruka Yoshida, Ei Wada and Masaru Yoshida, has an undoubtedly signature approach to creation and music making.
Using old reel-to-reel tape recorders from the ‘70s and ‘80s hooked up to controllers and obsolete electrical devices, the ensemble delivers a live musical performance as irresistible as it is atypical.
Featuring the band in conversation with MUTEK’s, Maurice Jones this session will dive into Open Reel Ensemble’s motivations behind their uncanny musical universe, the definition of their self-described style of “magnetikpunk” and the experience of providing music for four Issey Miyake’s fashion shows. The conversation will be followed by a live demonstration of how the group uses vintage reel-to-reel tape recorders as instruments, ahead of their performance at Nocturne 1 on August 23rd.

Future Festivals: Forging new horizons @ MUTEK Forum 2023
MUTEK together with four Canadian and two international partners launched the Future Festivals think tank in March 2023. Following Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson’s opening provocation, the panel invites Future Festivals partners Naomi Johnson, Executive Director of imagineNative, FTA’s David Lavoie, New Now Festival’s Jasmin Grimm, and MUTEK's Maurice Jones, for a call to action on not only how to rethink the future of festivals but more importantly how to build it together.
Iwakura — European Premiere @ New Now Festival
For the European premiere of Iwakura we travelled to Zeiss Planetarium Bochum as part of the satellite events of New Now Festival 2023.

Soundscapes of an Earthly Community @ Carnival of Algorithmic Culture
My spatial audio installation Soundscapes of an Earthly Community premiered for the inaugural edition of UKAI Project’s Carnival of Algorithmic Culture in Toronto. The installation was on display for two days, June 23 and 24 at bodyshop studios.
In addition, I held a keynote talk on Sonic Assemblages and Trajectories of Refusal outlining my broader conceptual approaches towards bridging curatorial and artistic practices at the intersection of art and technology as part of the Carnival’s conference program, which took place on June 23 at Artscape Daniels Launchpad

Machine Learning Logics of Public Participation in AI Governance @ Data Justice Conference
Together with Meaghan Wester
Public consultations are increasingly employed to mitigate perceived democratic deficits in AI governance (Frahm et al., 2022). This presentation investigates how the rationalist and technocratic idea of diversifying input data extends into modes of participatory governance surrounding AI.
Public Participation in the Governance of Facial Recognition Technologies in Canada @ From Inequality to Justice
Together with Fenwick McKelvey
On February 13, 2020, the Toronto Police Services (TPS) issued a correction. Its members had used Clearview AI, an AI-based facial recognition technology (FRT). The controversy sparked widespread outcry by the media, civil society, and community groups, and put pressure on policy makers to address FRTs.
Public consultations presented a key tool for the governance of FRTs in Canada. Based on media reports, policy documents, and expert interviews we investigated four consultations held by the Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB), the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC), and the parliamentary Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI) to understand how public opinion and outrage translate into policy.

Curation as Research-Creation @ ISEA 2023
Together with Meaghan Wester & Marek Blottiere
This presentation explores a renewed approach to curation as research-creation (CRC) through its practical application in the annual art and technology festival. CRC envisions a shift in curation from a care for objects to a care for the emerging social relations of the curatorial project in a shared quest of meaning making. We set out with outlining the features of CRC as interdisciplinary, concerned with programmatic boundary objects, and centered around the unfolding event trajectory – the forms and methods that facilitate affective encounters. Following we outline how this approach to curation unfolds in practice through the case study of the Fest-Forward workshop series that speculates on the future of art and technology festivals. Concluding we summarize how this workshop series showcases the potential of CRC’s shift of attention from a mere presentation of artworks towards the facilitation of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural encounters that enroll artists, curators, and audiences.

AI and Curating @ KI CAMP 2023
In an age of sensory overload, oversupply, and performance pressure, artificial intelligence promises instant creativity. GPT models such as OpenAI's DALL-E generate impressive works of art in a wide variety of styles from descriptions in natural language. AI thus connects to the idea of an artistic universal genius. In addition, AI systems act as curators, for example in the music industry. This raises new questions about creative work, copyrights, and ownership, which take on further dimensions with hypes such as NFTs and Metaverse.