Maurice investigates cross-cultural perceptions of Artificial Intelligence, public participation in technology policy, and the intersection of Art, Science, and Technology Studies.
Transnational AI Governance
Research Paper: Jones, M., & McKelvey, F. (2024). Deconstructing public participation in the governance of facial recognition technologies in Canada. AI & SOCIETY.
Presentation: Jones, M. (2023). Redesigning Public Participation in the Age of Generative AI [Conference presentation]. Shifting AI Controversies Conference, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany.
Book Chapter: Jones, M. (2023). AI and Society 5.0: Imaginaries and metaphors in the publicity of Japanese science and technology policy [Manuscript accepted for publication]. Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia University.
Presentation: Jones, M., & McKelvey, F. (2023). Public Participation in the Governance of Facial Recognition Technologies in Canada [Conference presentation]. From Inequality to Justice: Law and Ethics of AI & Technology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Workshop: Wester, M., Marinov, R., Jones, M., & McKelvey, F. (2023). AI + Society 2038. Milieux Institute, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Op-ed: Linder, T., Jones, M. and McKelvey, F. (2023). Toronto police consultation on AI lacks sufficient public engagement. The Toronto Star.
Presentation: Jones, M., & Wester, M. (2023, June 19–20). Public Inputs as Training Data: Consultation, Calibration and Machine Learning Political Orders [Conference presentation]. Data Justice Conference 2023, Cardiff University, United Kingdom.
Consultation: Brandusescu, Ana and Jones, Maurice and Linder, Thomas and McKelvey, Fenwick and McPhail, Brenda and Megelas, Alex and Rismani, Shalaleh and Sengupta, Ushnish and Sieber, Renee, Response to Toronto Police Service's consultation on the draft governance for the acquisition and use of AI technology (December 23, 2022).
Guest Lecture: Jones, M. (2022, November 15). AI to the People: Reimagining Public Participation in AI Governance [Guest lecture]. GIGA, Keio University SFC, Fujisawa, Japan.
Presentation: Jones, M. (2022). AI across borders: Experimental methods for cross-cultural research on Artificial Intelligence [Conference presentation]. Hype, Hyper or Overhyped Symposium, Milieux Institute, Concordia University, Montreal.
Presentation: Jones, M. (2022). Intelligent Machines in a Fluid World: Deconstructing metaphors in Japanese AI policy [Conference presentation]. Japanese-German Conference: Artificial Intelligence and the Human – Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction, Berlin.
Research Paper: Jones, M. (2022). Towards Civil Strategization of AI in Germany. An investigation of the involvement of civil society in the making of the German National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2022(1), 21.
Blog: Jones, M. (2022). Civil Society and AI: Striving for ethical governance.
Art, Science and Technology Studies
Research Paper: Jones, M., Wester, M., & Blottiere, M. (2024). Curation as Research-Creation: Speculating on the Future of Art and Technology Festivals. ISEA2023 PROCEEDINGS. 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Paris, France.
Presentation: Jones, M. (2024, July 19). From Soundscape Ecology to Sonic Assemblage: Imagining an Earthly Community [Conference Presentation]. 4S-EASST, Free University of Amsterdam, NL.
Essay: Jones, M. (2024, June 11). Cultivating Future Festivals as Temporary Utopias. HOLO Magazine.
Presentation: Jones, M. (2024, April 5). From Soundscape Ecology to Sonic Assemblage: Imagining an Earthly Community [Conference Presentation]. Aesthetics of Geopower: Imagining Planetary Histories and Hegemonies, University of Amsterdam, NL.
Presentation: Jones, M., Wester, M., and Blottiere, M. (2023, May 16–21). Curation as Research-Creation: Speculating on the Future of Art and Technology Festivals [Conference presentation]. ISEA2023 Symbiosis, Paris, France.
Book Review: Jones, M. (2023). Book Review: The Earthly Community: Reflections on the Last Utopia. New Media & Society, 1(3).
Research Paper: Jones, M. (2023). Mind extended: Relational, spatial, and performative ontologies. AI & SOCIETY, 39, 21-28.
Jones, M. (2021). The case of culture: Extractive practices of work-life integration – How do digital tech companies get away with unsustainable behavior. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5517538
Jones, M., and Tamura, H. (2019). Les industries créatives numériques au Japon. Rapport d’étude de marché. Xn Québec. https://www.xnquebec.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/2019-11-etude-industries-creatives-japon.pdf
Jones, M., and Tamura, H. (2019). Market Report: Digital Creative Industries in Japan. Xn Québec.
Jones, M. (2016). Regional Identity Beyond the Collective: The Institutional Identities of ASEAN and MERCOSUR [Master Thesis]. Leiden University. 38. https://studenttheses.universiteitleiden.nl/handle/1887/4277
MUTEK Forum as Temporary Utopia, with Sarah MacKenzie, CLOT Magazine, August 14, 2024.
AI DJ Project — The Documentary (2022), by Qosmo Inc., July 14, 2023.
“Creating with an AI”. Interviewed for Villa Albertine. January 22, 2022.
Interview on Spiegel.de. January 22, 2022.
Interview on the Non-Native Creative Podcast. February 17, 2020.
Interview by Hugh Hsu for Tokyo Art Beat. November 06, 2018.
“What is MUTEK?" Interview by Julia Mascetti for Metropolis Magazine. October 30, 2018.
“Continue the Adventure”. Interview by Thomas Venker on Kaput Mag. October 24, 2017.
PhD Candidate, Humanities @ Concordia University, Canada (since 2021/09)
MA, International Relations @ Leiden University, NL (2015/2016)
BA, Asian Studies @ University of Bonn, Germany (2009 - 2014)
Certificate @ Shizuoka University, Japan (2012/2013)
Certificate @ National Taiwan University, Taiwan (2011/2012)
Student Member @ Hexagram (since 2022/05)
Machine Agencies Research Group @ Milieux Institute (Since 2021/09)
Research Assistant @ Shaping AI (2022/01 — 2024/04)
Associated Researcher @ Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society (2021/11 to 2022/12)
Research Assistant @ RE-CREATE (2022/04 to 2022/07)
Milieux PhD Residency @ Milieux Institute (2021/09 to 2022/04)
Fellow @ Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society (2021/04 to 10)