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Fest-Forward: Governing the Smart Wall @ Colours of Surveillance Europe Conference 2022

  • Tolhuistuin 2 IJpromenade Amsterdam, NH, 1031 KT Netherlands (map)

The workshop "Fest-Forward: Governing the Smart Wall" is part of a series of experimental encounters, which reenvision curation from an act of putting things together in display towards the curatorial project in itself becoming a place of joint meaning making between artists, curators, affected communities, and the co-investigative public. In this workshop participants jointly speculate on how an exhibition could become a tool for not only commenting on but more so influencing policy making around the question of algorithmic immigration and border control. Taking a speculative design approach the workshop is aimed at imagining future scenarios in which concrete tools, activities, and practices that could aid the investigative curatorial project in extending its influence towards the policy realm. Features of these tools need to consider the various challenges posed by the highly racialized application of AI in immigration and border control, the involvement of affected communities in the making of these tools and critical assessments of the work these tools do. By speculating about future scenarios, in which art+technology become a way of addressing issues algorithmic immigration and border, this workshop ultimately addresses the very present policy questions of discrimination, racialization, and algorithmic surveillance in a different light.

About Colours of Surveillance Europe Conference
European Digital Rights, in partnership with Bits of Freedom , Controle Alt Delete and Digital Freedom Fund are now organising a European Colour of Surveillance Conference. The conference will explore the intersections between racism and surveillance and is aimed at making new connections between racial justice and digital rights groups to join efforts in resisting racism and surveillance. The Colour of Surveillance conference was initially developed by the Center of Privacy and Technology at the University of Georgetown

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Fest-Forward: Imagining Future Festivals @ MUTEK Forum 2022

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